Friday, 4 April 2014


Ask the noise of a saint, as a saint, for a saint. It is your saintly duty to walk out on angry children who lie about £500 and $500 as if the two were never interchangeable. Empowerment will buy grease for the hibiscus extract to make cheese within the swollen belly of television sets. Superficial seconds come to a grinding halt. Live more for the sake of satellites on grass with answers on the spot. Beautiful, peaceful tarmac. The letters on the letterhead, get ready for their battle stations. Use and abuse. Give a little nod to the man in the whirling jacket as he passes through your lawnmower to eat all the pasta. I’m flattered but really not okay.

  1. Stick around for the big businessman who will thread bobbins for our entertainment and partial education. Don’t take a stance before your time is due, not while the spiritual, contemplative music remains on the airwaves like a bad case of the clap. Camera 3 wants to stab you right through the middle to prove a just point to a moot audience whilst draped in an ill-fitting pair of boxers. They are ready for us to droop from the journey and raise the hayfield in the name of heart displacement. Staying power needs a funny article of clothing to prove its existence ahead of takeout and subsequently takeaway. I’m a dead man for the showers. He knew, he knew all along. He knew all about non-stop shopping like it was written on the back of my heartfelt hand. The enemy aims his telescope.
  3. This is the G-spot for apology, this is continuance of nuance and happiness brings back the shaded worldwide security. The red-faced woman is gifted like a shank to the hosiery, like a shard of glass to the shark-infested filling. Go out like another person and you come back a saint, it’s guaranteed. They say it like just a bit ago would say it to you; the right thing is costly and green without spots and sparks of neglect. Can you get a shot from a kiss from a scented envelope? Shall we love the aubergine better? The endstop is dirty and racing to get to you so what we should really do is deal with the studio like one would a headphone or a peachy keen countenance. The craze is being chased by you this time, so wait a go in the storeroom cupboard as love tears the party in twos and threes that comeback, always comeback. Promise that goodbye isn’t a cloying of cloister bells being blessed in imminent flush. Question not those whom belong to your country but those who have no country for they are the mincers of sundown and the cast learning to double themselves up.
  5. Paragraphs train to kill from childhood and bark like a dog due to hypnotic breathing patterns. Here, turnstiles become a commodity and the wealthy are disenfranchised from the millions upon millions of star charts that would normally be available to them scot-free. Angels.

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