dangerous ideas (Exhibit A, 2 and +) are not even the property of chest
infections on the beach. The law of the towel on the deck chair has long since
danced off into its own fame and fortune. In the meantime other laws will have
to pick up the slack and do the best they can to get this hovercraft of
patriotism up into the stratosphere. That's no mean feat I can tell you though
the toes might have something venomous to say to you. My advice is to just
ignore them, fashion your own goblin wood.
never seen moves like that. Do what you just did again while the tent flap is
still open and slapping the chins of capuchins. I'll see if I can patent it and
get you a gig on the SS West End. You play guitar too? Very nice. Do you know
of the Spiders from the Van personally or will I need to introduce you? Knowing
the Cat of Snowdon certainly won't help endear them to you and your jive
talking. It's time to take it too far to see if we can actually suck up into
the mind of the Leper Gestation. It might take a few days of pure matter
transference but this I can promise: no-one will ever need to join your rival
choir. It's what's left that counts.
Have you seen the sanity on her? Over there, the lass in the frills stood
beside the dead Navy Seal. Yes, he is quite clearly dead, smells like the deed
was done by the Sunset slamming into the dust of his well-worn boots. I'll fill
you with gin and you'll see my point of view, with all the little twinkly
lights and fancy gizmos. Take for instance, is that cage empty? No, it isn't.
It's crammed full of saviours who have tigers in crude headlocks. It's a very
oily sight, soaked in its own forgiveness and self-assurance. Trust me, you'll
see it soon enough and you'll never want to go back to the chorus. It takes
will, it tasks the verisimilitude or rather taxes it sufficiently until it
becomes a half-truth encased in a loaded dice. I'll catch her yet, the lass in
the frills, I'll make her rip gold and fly with fantasia. All it takes is a
little piece of shrapnel and all will be well.
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