Sunday, 11 August 2013


Formidable castle farms make us watch watching tepee masters. Six normal eighties teenagers are out for fun in the dumb premise when suddenly the dimmer switch slaughters the fastidious mature rating. It felt like bunting hobbling the country divergence in a sort of celebration type thing. They say it is a nice way to be properly metropolitan in a day and age that has lost sight of the tornado that put as all where we were meant to fizzle.  Is this a final showdown? Is this an eruption of underground waves at the same time as the monster truck rally? Shooting spears leads to skewering, both uncontrollable and thrilling. It takes a pinch; it only takes a pinch of a riding winch and drags it out into a fully-fledged rollercoaster attraction. They tell me when the wicked gaunt emasculator arrives; mummy will face backwards and steam up the heavens with condensed plateau.

That is a lot more difficult when water propels itself with homemade bonhomie and shackles the tanks that once dared to contain it. It has very little time for ladies of the daylight saving, it makes sure they aren’t consorting with robots first. Launching onto the locked-in tragedy unfurls all Christian machinery so the water has to be certain that its actions will be effective and well fed.  Please continue to efface and overthrow the chewing chewable Nazi Empire and do not placate the implication. I had some German food recently and it tasted primarily of Erasmus’ afterburner collection, smoky and filled with aphorisms. The pants fling. A reference to Rule 47 and other adorable penguin prophecies. It might well have been a finger above super awesome but the octopi stole all our bricks and ruined the majority of our fun. The beards grow out straight into the comments section. Nobody likes Erasmus like Neil.

All girls ruin the synchronicity of Mesopotamian flinches with good technique. There is a rare bit of diversity in every one of their projects, set about by flames and pushed into motion by chimpanzee faces. Fascism makes a nonce out of Neil, teaching him treacle shivering and parliament japery in shifts. Could the suits contain knitted ties? Could the suites contain knotted toes? Strap in, folks, it’s going to get very chilly very soon. Tugging testicle curlers leads the malleable mind to lock, drop and break the miasmic rift. Creation starts with a wizard hat, inside a wizard hat and doesn’t change until the natural colour muddies itself with blonde highlights. It’s better to stay airborne whilst no-one understand the glory hole and what it could transport. The theory goes on to claim that cold turkey might strike bumpers deep inside. The collective term is ‘nuzzling’.

Let us venture to the games cupboard and press our lips against steamy butter. You never told us it would tip up or make us feel angular. If only you’d shift a few verbs and consonants around make us ‘angelic’. Could we be prettier please? Pretty please?

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