Thursday, 12 June 2014


Now the shop window dresser is complete. Nowt wrong with your hearing, Mr Thespian from Spain, New Jersey. Nothing to say but that oil rigs are not substantial growing spots for olive gardens and rock guitars. I came in a bra for fantastic singers to be very good into, to echo each their own dulcet for the outwardly cooling effect of endorphins. So very much to do and so very little kayaking equipment to do it with. I at least try to click your name in bed and in doings so draw a decisive line between the here and the henceforth. Anna comes along with the gravy in her ladle to explain to a foolish fop how to be dandy without transgressing cross-dressing or their elliptical orbit of humbugs found in the street. Hear the squeaky wheels and you’ll know just what the table smasher does on his weekend’s off, he powers up tricycles for your viewing expenditure. Apparently you were on the verge of peritonitis like a plane descending on several smaller planes and perhaps a helicopter or a very large seagull filled with ambition and Southern American legal procedure.

Get over yourself while the don’ts and the doubters prepare the dough for kneading and then the oven of your eventual metaphor. Brass band music hails motorcycle chase scenes and that’s the scene encased in amber sulphide. Give it a lick for the sake of several loyal club card owners. All the footage cooks with fried bags and at a completely different time. I was told that forcibly kicking perverse aliens out of the shop was a whiny bitch thing to do but I’ve never met a whiny bitch so I ran over there and dropped the cameras. By the time I got there, most people had already left to explain why berries are cut together and left to the evergreen leaves. Peeping Toms are things that I said for a spot of bother. I can’t have intentionality; connection with people is something I just cannot abide.

Share all of this love for the Comedy Watson; give it a shot with every sort of muddiness and point-by-point dissatisfaction. I should have written out the ranger entirely, replaced him with an opening sketch featuring several dishy chaps missing their kitty cats. Make yourself at home with emergency money and high maintenance eye drops. I washed all of the parents with their own funky radiators that get along just greatly greater with the cheese grater. Tomorrow is the last thing I want to be doing inside a trashy house such as the convention provides its clientele. That’s beautiful and marked out for good brutal mindsets. Please don’t be a villager crossing over to the monstrous girl to plant a shimmer on the tip top of her wand.

I see what’s going on and it’s really interesting. Badges enforce industry secrets because the flyswatter wears a floor tide for that function which is inappropriate for everybody. It’s barren, there are so few people with teeth left to match with sci-fi novels.

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