Saturday, 7 June 2014


You’re about as funny as a coal miner with that material, with your long auburn hair and pretentious speeds. From their tower, they become seagulls to phantom the inseparable from the delightful. When the world loses all control over its children’s cartoon theme songs, the heart will wrack with Belgium angst. Rocks descend like teenagers on a flagpole, knowing that patrols will come along eventually to power the electricity function with little more than a mead-tasting bite.

Follow the animals that charge green with deadened activity and hurricane logarithms. Your taste in music comes from that special place between your clavicles and undescended testicles. The disciples are leeching off my skin for the fifth time in a month, inch by kilometre we find places to go round the destiny in a dried-up overcoat that putters into scientific louts and all sprung loose with licked lips and lisps. Here I come to gut your misdirection for all its political subterfuge, all its recognisable fleets of interesting hinterland. Warty toads are among the littlest pests of the season, twitchy things that dispel several myths for the sake of rationalism and trained scepticism. Shake the lout with a pervasive purr and a hammer to the nose. The wrong way to go about it would be to take a hunting knife and plant it into the hurricane with seconds to spare, you need to take your time with that kind of multi-tasking. The royal family hold some retainers for a few lockers crammed full with recreation and detergent insurgent remarks. Let’s demystify the drill for once, let’s lay it at the feet of the cobbler and all his elves.

TONIGHT IS A MAGIC FILLED WITH WILD GEESE AND ROCK MUSIC FROM AN ENTIRE TIME PASSED TO THE PASTY PAST SO THAT WE MAY LOOK AT IT FROM THE MIRROR WITH ENOUGH EXHAUSTION TO INFLATE SEVERAL BALLOONS FROM HAIR DYE DEFICIENCY; THE PUBLIC, THEY REALLY CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF GUFF LIKE THAT, IT’S SEXY AND REALLY RELATES TO A PATERNAL NATURE IN ALL OUR BASIC CHARACTERISTICS, ALL OUR MILD MAKE-UPS. am i write in supposing that norm and his values are getting quite enough sex from the edge of geography as spared from the deadly pits of west margate filled with all the grit of town planners past their sell by date or will justice be done with extreme prejudice and a man who knows every other man’s name and trade and shoe size dependent on the speed at which that man is running.

The Girls Are All Done With Their English Lessons Because Knitting Is So Blasé And Mother Expects Them To Readdress Their Screwing Around With Beginning And End As Hardest Expected As The Will-Wearing, Woe-Begotten Barry That Each Battlement Must Scorn For Sufficient Payment And Kick Backs Too. damN importanT stufF yoU chapS dO, aS odD aS goD planS hiS starvinG tacticS buT withouT alL the cheekinesS and cheeK bitinG froM thE toP tO thE bottoM of inspectoR arresT recordS thaT yoU brinG througH usuallY.

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