Thursday, 21 November 2013


            Salivate precociously as if you were gathering the stormy drains of eye bop unto your makeshift breast. After all who wants to spend their life sending ironing boards to calculator factories to see if that kind of matter-of-fact action will swing then fly? Some share better comments for meagre sums. The recipe lies flat alongside the veggie who is continually trying to interrupt our delicate video watching art project. And to think of all the hours we spent limbering up for the final dive, for the furtive ascension into stapled yarns. Erasmus builds with the Russian times and marches out biscuits for dummies to see if they'll float on their nubile bellies. This is in and of itself an achievement.
            Bland monks will raise the life of this particular moment onto robed shoulders and recite paisley poetry as if chanting was merely another case of found text on a teenage body. It passes the trial life a pre-emptive scrawl. Meanwhile Erasmus is sat in his shady corner, blackening his teeth and laughing all the while. I really do wish that he'd just get a move on so I could watch my soaps in peace without all the fucking reverberations and mathematical posts going on behind me. I'll go without clothes for half an hour, who cares?
            Trivialise like sixes and sevens and let the tangled rope fall where it may do the most spouts of damage, let it begin its proper annoying offing. Tube smelling comes up fast like a rallied sneaker as events turn and fade into murderous churlishness. Really rollover the expectorated croak. It's very gnarly and a part of my chickenshit problems. You're a cat, by comparison, dwindling on the very biggest mountainside just to see what they could do about milk there. The darkness holds a lot of weighty hooks. Either way, whoever enters and sets up camp will be dead by the end of the jettison.
            Nevertheless empty your pockets and join the ranks before we fill up the roster and things stop grabbing likelihood by the galvanised feelers. I will teach you to shout so you can pass the time and match your eyebrow twitches to a provocative moment. Queens will contrast and go off-colour and travesties will make a perambulation within their bosom possible. Worms go on, fridges treat the sick, hairy fairies sing masters out of their shuffleboard tournaments and the sheep run along with the mighty steed of the Great Go Between. I just wonder how much of it you'll be able to digest, ingest and possible spit-take with: it's a task often done at the foot of sunny altars. The boys don't even get a look-in these days, the weather being so fine. They're off out with the doctors and their wage slippers.

            It's palpable, very palpable, possibly palpable, quite palpable, never too palpable, almost palpable, fairly palpable, only fairly palpable, greatly palpable, ruthlessly palpable, directly palpable, terrifically palpable, perhaps only palpable, palpable enough, palpable just fine and let's not forget responsibility.

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