Saturday, 20 April 2013

20/04/2013 - CUT THE ROPE

                Cut the rope and let the dramatics hang out with the only society that remains undiscovered, it's not unforgiveable nor is it quality to the eyes and ears of the hoggish seventy three thousand eight hundred and fifty four, they have mouths to feed and murky waters to cross in knee-high boots that transcend the facetious garrison and all his ridiculous qualms on the matter of garden state economics or practical barometer mischief or yuletide spandex sharing or anything of that unfortunate ilk that still remains unprepared for the trained eye and all its shivering lip syncing for the sake of the moon cult.


            The sky has long drooping sentences that it sprinkles all over the clouds in order to ascertain the very nature of toppings so they can simplify the equation to within an inch of its hysterical existence, much like the time we went down to the grove in order to swallow the daylight hours with a side of mustard and cheery cherry sauce that refute my masochistic attitude towards marriage and all its unmerited dalliances before the Crunchy King of Martian Depravity or, as we have learned he is called throughout the many-headed cosmos, Mr. Thank of the Prussian Mythological Might and Lurking Club.


            Bells are withdrawing from the supplement by the dozen so as to teach the higher ups in our shuffle snake society that nobody ingratiates themselves to the gods of any culture, they merely watch us in the shower and wonder where the lengths of hair come from and how we could possibly know to plat them or bind them or use them to choke our beloved little ones or utilise them to prise the advent from the fingers of a crazed opportunist like that chap in the gilded trouser pockets, the one with the pipe up his bum and the nuts in his cheeks.


            Myopia is the answer to all the problems that have plagued humanity since the start of the upper crust revolution of revolting potato husks and maitre dez hearts, while all the time we are acting distressed in order to fit into tidy little tick boxes with the notations scattered around them higgledy piggledy  without the aid or necessity of milky breasts a mile long and sawn-off quizmasters whom you can never get to put their finger away out of concern for the children who might take offence at the slightest organic provocation or loophole agreement or some such travesty that besets us all on the East Coast.


            It takes a brave dais to drag the lake without warranting sexual tension from the otter people from somewhere underneath the bridge and it's trolley dolly insistence on being a part of the video games that nobody ever asked them to be in, in the first place, that was the bell who asked for that and I don't think anybody would question its authority when dealing with such matters of an irreducible, swerving, same sex nature, not from somebody who is known to live beyond the manor without a sense of immigrant questing to drive the spittoon along the roadside all by its lonesome.

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