Saturday, 13 April 2013


                Dancing with widows breaks the spirit and channels it through the nasal hairs. It's like a longing that sort of bashes about the place with its paper hats and droopy-eyed festoons. Home keeps me from going to the bad place known only as the Speech Impediment, a land filled with rotting alphas and combusting affidavits. My sword is not for grinning, my grain is not for the salivation, all my weaponry is packaged and labelled according to height and sexuality. Keep them segregated and watch the enthusiasm procure their mouths. It relies too much on my amusement and lack of patent clerk confidentiality. Be rooted to the spot or move in droves that do not exceed the square formation. Home is a concentric circle that broadens at the prospect of meeting celebrities without tax evasions or mysterious surnames that maybe perhaps link them to the Welsh Mafioso.

                The columns are making eyes at your mother's fruit bowl and that just makes me sick with resentment. It fills my cheeks with brilliant mockery, it makes them burst without a curling iron or matrimonial courtesy. It is perhaps etiquette to regard the bridges in such a way in case they should take personal offence and ruin your cabbage patch with their laser eye surgery and various goods markets. I wish you to meet a god with more clout and considerably less throat medicine, mostly because my dragon's mother wouldn't approve and I really don't want to make her happy right now. It's a croon to be me sometimes, particularly when the minutes are drawing near the motorway and won't show signs of stopping for a quick cup of bollocks guardianship. I'll tell you how to go to place where nobody hears the whimper of patronising sex, it's somewhere near a cherry tree and all its cheery foliage.

                The ground is pounding with blood and my script will not opine bullets, won't discuss the merriment they might bring from a drought of tangerines. It'll help you go off into the wilderness, maybe even with a pair of handy little mittens but that's as much as it is expected by anyone to do. The ruler has no time for bubbles of logic or respectability, it feels too much like conspiracy and now we are getting over that for the sake of the kiddies. America taught us well, taught us how to do the samba and the rumba and the back-aching itchy ball syndrome flip trick. Under the Moorish principality lies its thirst, it's inequitable slurp for fiery medicine and all its fringe benefits. it rattles the shit cakes and usually leaves before the military begin to notice their gold tops are gone.

                You see all that? The stars are winking out, they just want to a good reason to curl up with the milk of ages and let rip at the bread of wasps. The heavens are a place for celestial break dancing, the sort that disappoints so easily. Leave it out, why don't you.

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