Thursday, 22 May 2014

22/05/2014 - SAY IT AT THE BONFIRE

            Say it at the bonfire, speak in hot potatoes while the soft-handed blister and tussle with each other over the lotion and animal husbandry duties. I don't know much about silhouettes but if you go for that woman's then you're as good as dead, son, the party don't stop just for her novocaine. Dudes eat a load of religious stamps  in the wharf and blanket out the catalogue containing no-man's glamour spray. Where the fuck does one even level up in this olde time setting? That loose invention hasn't got any instructions on the side or even in the tiny manual that dangles on a rope at the side. Put it wherever you hope to be British and it's supposed to light up like a nightclub after an hour of slicing and dicing and giving up ink in Rotterdam. If you do die, if you should, then let it be dabbling in dead spots filled with CVs and pirates who would take these dossiers of vital information for nefarious ends. That tall one likes to trick people with his soggy shirt and embarrassing lay. Rather than running around, find all the relevant items and cram them straight into your sports-loving mouth with half of your stair-like teeth protected by a guard. You're a clamp, a flask and a few loose evening tiles landing in a fish bowl to the marching bat of Holy Shit troops.
            Since when did this turn out turn to shit and turn, turn, turn again? Was it the movement of an inspector of screen options and workaday ennui? Try to kill somebody, just load-up the ambush and slaughter a fat neck because the guys are really kind of easy and not worth losing your lunch over, even if that sort of stuff turns them on. Turns, turns, turns like a likelihood. Get up at the attack of the curve, raise the dentures and let the monster see in the dark for his Happy Family game. Something created will still hurt with hits and once every thousand years. The rest come in bites at the good play, thus evening the odds. Stay tuned amongst yourself, dodging bullets and general rainfall in the muddy terrain. Copy the boxes, tick them as they come with graining pens and ferryman signatures. The real reason I stress this is because I'm going home to announce a wild and illustrious plan for queer culture. Hint: it'll involve unprecedented access to virtual reality.

            Hilarity hedges its bets on clarity of focus and the voyeurism that many appeal after for the sake of making brains and ears alike bleed varicose fluid for a yard and then a kilometre until all we're left with are the deserted and complicated by scarves and ovular darts tournaments that just keep going around and underneath and around and loop-de-loop and other big deals for the Big Deal corporation that sit in their lonely towers in the hopes that someone new and fresh and only peripheral will bring books and speak in garden lingo.

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