Thursday, 23 January 2014


            At least there’s that window open over there and your fly undone over there. In the meantime though maritime law is still abound and deserves your hollering respect if only for five minutes and the lifetime of a simple gnat. You asked for business and this is what business does to you when you ask for it, it rips you apart and fills you with tin cans and reputations for slam dunking the desolation of the very cost you avoided all your unnatural garden space. There’s really no need to remain specious in the face of the flaccid anymore, they can stand upon your gnarly knees and bony britches as well as any honest madam’s issue. The decade will revive itself with smelling salts provided by its next of kin in the back of a rhinestone truck of holly suckle clovers. Just call me over and see how I change for the printed newspaper questions of the next century or so. The supple demand so much and dive for so loathsome a day that the good of the mild wouldn’t even switch eyebrows when wrinkling the yellow stuff. It deviates from the tears you expectorate, it trickles down into the backs of hairy hounds and angry sopranos. They must really hate your empathy and the direct line it seems to have to the taps of beery souls and Icelandic Spindles. You are a capital gentleman and despise as such but are not despised like you should be. Such an honest position to be stuck in.

  • As the bedraggled go on, I join their ranks to see what it is that they are honking on about on top of the restaurant roofs and the Lazy Susan chimneys that seem to go on for donkey's years without sideburns or quaint quips about quintessential combustion engines. The trick is to bleed with distinction.

  • After becoming enamoured with your homegrown scent, I spent a night in your lost place just to accomplish something infinitesimal in your name that wouldn't see much locked behind bars and smooth jazz for paltry existence's wages and all the track records that seem to lull around the teehee. The French fries were illuminated and disgraceful.

  • Being a girl who works the red room, surely you would understand the lengths to which I go to become a greater size, a newer size, a size that can be followed to the end of the world and the earth and all the universe that surrounds both without ever actually saying more than needs to be said for the sake of the calendars that come straight out of the leaves. Just go along with the green parts.

  • And years later, I will be in the grates, stuck in the sewer as you are throwing your tiptoe around, brushing up against velvet carpets and underground machinery that doesn't do much for the sake of retrospective seed growth and the crop yield that comes straight of Erasmus and Neil and all the wives they've hoodwinked. Jokes are promiscuous promises really.

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