the schedule? Who would want to earn what an oceanographer earns? Who would
scar themselves in such a way, with tumble dryer tissues and googly eyes? Why
do we need to move in mad, impetuous ways? When would it even be right to give
up hiding the soul behind the kitchen countertop? What's a piece of paper when you think about it?
Wherever shall you run? Why do you continue to procure these enhancements from
the back of a bandwagon that doesn't even have wheels or a suppressive regime
on the top? Who wants a surrey? Who is a surrey? What could partake in such
illegal behaviour? Why would you want to ask the whereabouts of a when-monger?
What could perfect light do to a man when he's on schedule? Why should we pack
up the presents and head out for town? Who says? Why they say? When did you
start paying attention to the horrors elsewhere? Why be a who? Who be a why?
What is a case of good fortune? Who will be the brave one to tell me whilst I
stand in this lycra cat suit? Who wants a piece? When shall you have it? How
can I even wise up in these dungarees? How now? How where you when when your
and roundabouts, I suppose? As of now? Did you turn to the understated porter
and ask him for his trademark keys back? Could you even do such a cruel thing
to a lonely old bicuspid? Is that a coaster you're resting your laurels on? Are
you out of your mind and down the stairs? Which stair are you on? Can I come
too or would that be totally inappropriate considering the weight of our roles
in this current version of society? Society? Shall I make something of it? I
suppose? I guess? But guess what? As of now? I'm hardly going to say am I? I
was going to say something though, wasn't I? Can you remember? Well can you at
least figure out what I might have meant? Guided lamps? Frayed surreys? Lone
wolf teeth? But doesn't that sound mushy? I could be the man who switches
sides, couldn't I? Would you pay me for the trick? Would you call it an action?
Would anyone applaud me for my significance in hurting people's feelings? Could
you let go perhaps? Couldn't you?
is an answer. An answer, this is. An answer of an answer in the back of a
truck. An answer that lies back in that truck because it knows exactly where
it's going and besides no-one is going to come slap it dead in its tracks with
a walking stick. This answer is like an old man who doesn't even care anymore.
This answer is that answer to some extent although it would much rather be just
an answer and leave it at that. The answer is a far more fitting title but we
haven't had a meeting about it yet.
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