One day she forgot to feed his box and all the edges became all runny
and opaque and she almost lost her temper in the process of vigorous cleaning. She
tightened her apron strings and walked the dog with finesse and a level of calm
that was borderline undignified. When she finally returned to the task at hand,
she pulled off both her rubber gloves and formed them into a righteous spiral
and span it over the problem area, causing a tumultuous twister to climb out of
her ne’er-do-well region and spit elastic all over it. It was a rambunctious sight
to behold, rest assured. Her husband came home halfway through and did several
double-takes without his glasses on. We asked him what he saw and said that it
was histrionic triangles and that we should shut up or else they’ll turn on us
and slander our names over the next century or so. We didn’t know what to
think, we just watched her moving about and jiggling her hips and making
contemptuous remarks from over her leaf blower-mounted shoulder. She kicked the
shit out of the stains and turned her attention onto us.
Fortunately I was out to lunch within seconds and all she could do to
me was issue a stamped and addressed challenge to my corduroy torso. It totally
broke my weave and made me a laughing stock to those who could still wheeze out
the alphabet without courting bloody coughs. It was an invasion on my sensibility,
a crashed VCR on my sanity metre. I remember thinking ‘Perhaps we didn’t,
perhaps we shouldn’t’ve, perhaps this opening theme has gone on too long and
the players are ready to jam rubber stamps up our nepotistic bottoms.’ I was
half right. The asinine thing was I couldn’t even forget my name.
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