Monday, 3 June 2013

03/06/2013 - THE VOTE FOR PROTON

            The vote for a proton was seconded and thirdly I doused the occupant with firewater. It was for her own good, she hadn't brought a risk with her, silly thing. They're all chimps when you get down to it, the plebs and the children alike. The only way to thrust a point home is to fix it to the underside of their skull and watch as it malfunctions into a bone shape. It's good for frisking airline pilots and shooting hostesses round the back of a regulation basketball hoop. Ire makes for a proud proclamation in the shrewd recesses of my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It helps when I'm trapped within the confines of a football game or some such sporty travesty. Wherever I go, I wish I was at the opera.

            Ah, the opera! The selective hearing, the upturned legs, the wanderer's recovery! Ah! Opera! It makes me so randy, the only thing that gets me up these days. Such a shame I don't preserve my parent's Gentile circular nature. I said merry goodbye to them on the yacht ride over and that was that as far as I'm concerned. Call me an oven mitt but that was the last time I wanted to see the suckers, to perceive the cuddly reality. It does very little to follow the same jolly old tracks all of your life, that way doth not the professorship lie.   
Giving lip to strangers is the only true way to remain tiresome in a secular society. The drawbridge economy is on the take, pointing wherever the trolls can't spell or trickle down. Of course, the culture is turning particularly Slavic and that's not a fine way to book a holiday. There, that was your doing. The train ride leaves me agog with the possibilities. How could you possibly fuck this all up again? It sickens the whip and all that. Berries are demanding that chopping boards enter various different orbits just in case you screw the pooch again. Curl the tail.

You have twenty two seconds to achieve the entire provisional score. It's striking like a howl in a class war that time forgot. I blame the daredevils in our yuppie theme park experience, they've been doing a damn fine job so damn fine that very few Finnish bounty hunters are willing to climb out of the works. It's a rutting clock headed eastward from my shattered cheekbone. It maximises the exhaustion to nutcase proportions. They told me to sit down and behave but I won't, I'll jump over the hurdle and make a tractor of our shared past events. The pucks each fall forward in kind, tumble with quintessential glee. Contrary to popular belief, there are suitable qualifications.

I am institutionalised by comparison, by proxy. Erasmus was always the charismatic windsock, I was never up to his often hassled standards. And his mother, oh dear! Be thankful that such women are not frequently fortunate. Be wary of their back ends, their terrible back ends. Beehive.

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